Personal Info

Preferred Pronouns

He / Him


Hello there, welcome to my page! I am Aiden, and I am from the UK. Nice to meet you! Well, where shall I start? Well, I have been writing since I was 11. I love writing. I don’t think I would be here without it. It has gotten me through numerous humps and over some gigantic hills. Writing delivers to me what the sun brings to nature: LIFE!

When I am not writing, I am reading numerous styles, listening to music and podcasts, hanging out with my friends and doing my best to navigate this crazy world we call home. Being autistic, it seems a lot more than crazy sometimes.

What can you expect from my page? Well, I write about what tickles my fancy. On Medium (where I found out about this opportunity), I have written about politics, mental health, culture, society and psychology. I have also written poetry and a dark story about Mr Christmas, Santa Claus. There are a lot of writings I desire to compose.

I hope I will see you there!


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