Love Affair and The Shadow of Events

  • Love Affair and The Shadow of Events

    Posted by Latoshia Fisher on October 30, 2022 at 4:14 pm

    Love Affair and The Shadow of Events

    If you Love Affair, you are going to like The Shadow of Events

    He waited patiently for her to come home.
    It was three thirty in the morning and the third night this week that she didn’t come home till eight in the morning without a care in the world.

    She was a married woman with two sons and a daughter.

    The man she was having an affair with was a married man with no children of his own. His wife, who was twelve years older than him had three beautiful daughters from her previous marriage.

    Jason was 18. His wife Jamie was 30.

    Her previous husband was her high school sweetheart. They had their first child their sophmore year in high school. Jamie’s oldest daughter Lyla was fifteen years old. Claire was twelve and Kristian eight.

    Tyler, Jamie first husband left her when he found out about her sexual relations with Jason.

    Mark was sitting at the kitchen table drinking a cup of coffee when Lynn walked through the back door at one o’ clock like it was the new norm and no one better not say anything to her.

    By the look in Mark eyes you could tell that he had been up all night crying. He wanted to say something. He wanted to question her like all the other times before, but he was too soft/afraid.

    He loved her and didn’t want to lose her. He couldn’t see himself without her.

    He knew about Jason. He has seen her with him on several different occasions. Once, he came home early on their anniversary to surprise her and she was naked with red stilettos on, bent over in their bed with Jason behind her slow stroking as she moaned in a sweet whisper calling his name and telling him just how good he was making her feel.

    He stood there for a while watching them with tears in his eyes and without saying a word, he turned around and walked away.
    Shutting the door loud enough for her to know that he was there.
    That he saw her.

    She didn’t care.

    Lynn was in love with Jason. He made her feel young, beautiful, sexy, and alive.
    The sex was amazing.
    The best she ever had.

    The Cuatro Jugar was mind blowing.
    He made her feel warm inside and she had beautiful orgasms.
    That was just a small sizzle compared to the heavy breathing when he’s enticing her.

    She enjoys it when he is rubbing her body, fisting her and sucking her breast.
    She can’t control herself.
    She is relaxed and comfortable as her blood flows when he’s teasing her clitoris, building tension.

    The real truth is, she is in love with a man that she know will never leave her for his wife or his 15 year old step daughter that he is also sleeping with.

    Written by: Latoshia Fisher


    This book literally explains in detail the “evil eye” curse, a malicious gaze supernaturally causing harm to a victim.

    The Shadow of Events is a fascinating story, once you pick it up you won’t be able to put it down. It induce fear, terror, and horror in its readers.

    I wrote and self published a book on Amazon. It is my dream to be a #1 New York and International Best Seller. You inspire me to want to reach out to you for your help. I believe that you can help me earn some money, some knowledge and some motivation! I have a genuine interest in you. You inspire me and motivate me to want to do better, be better, and be successful. I want to build and establish a authentic relationship. We should anchor a legitimate business connection. I would like to ask if you will promote my book. It is my goal to sell 1 million copies. Will you help me sell 1 million copies.

    The Shadow of Events

    Horrible events take place as darkness over shadows the world as we know it. Joyce stood in intense fear as she watched her daughter being carried in the middle of the street by an unseen force. Candence, Joyce’s six year old daughter was hit by a young male driving a brown SUV. Taking a turn for what it is worth. But, will evil and darkness over power the light? In these turn of events, something terrible happens. Are you afraid? Are you afraid that the world is going to come to a sudden end and the seal opens with a earthquake, the sun darkening and becoming black as sackcloth of hair, the moon turning to blood, the sea turning into blood and loathsome sores coming upon everyone that have taken the mark of the beast.

    The Shadow of Events

    If you have time, I’m asking you to check this out. If you would consider purchasing my featured title in E-book or paperback form. The Shadow of Events. Please let me know what you think by leaving a review.


    The Shadow of Events

    This book literally explains in detail the “evil eye” curse, a malicious gaze supernaturally causing harm to a victim.

    The Shadow of Events is a fascinating story, once you pick it up you won’t be able to put it down. It induce fear, terror, and horror in its readers.Love Affair and The Shadow of Events

    If you Love Affair, you are going to like The Shadow of Events

    He waited patiently for her to come home.
    It was three thirty in the morning and the third night this week that she didn’t come home till eight in the morning without a care in the world.

    She was a married woman with two sons and a daughter.

    The man she was having an affair with was a married man with no children of his own. His wife, who was twelve years older than him had three beautiful daughters from her previous marriage.

    Jason was 18. His wife Jamie was 30.

    Her previous husband was her high school sweetheart. They had their first child their sophmore year in high school. Jamie’s oldest daughter Lyla was fifteen years old. Claire was twelve and Kristian eight.

    Tyler, Jamie first husband left her when he found out about her sexual relations with Jason.

    Mark was sitting at the kitchen table drinking a cup of coffee when Lynn walked through the back door at one o’ clock like it was the new norm and no one better not say anything to her.

    By the look in Mark eyes you could tell that he had been up all night crying. He wanted to say something. He wanted to question her like all the other times before, but he was too soft/afraid.

    He loved her and didn’t want to lose her. He couldn’t see himself without her.

    He knew about Jason. He has seen her with him on several different occasions. Once, he came home early on their anniversary to surprise her and she was naked with red stilettos on, bent over in their bed with Jason behind her slow stroking as she moaned in a sweet whisper calling his name and telling him just how good he was making her feel.

    He stood there for a while watching them with tears in his eyes and without saying a word, he turned around and walked away.
    Shutting the door loud enough for her to know that he was there.
    That he saw her.

    She didn’t care.

    Lynn was in love with Jason. He made her feel young, beautiful, sexy, and alive.
    The sex was amazing.
    The best she ever had.

    The Cuatro Jugar was mind blowing.
    He made her feel warm inside and she had beautiful orgasms.
    That was just a small sizzle compared to the heavy breathing when he’s enticing her.

    She enjoys it when he is rubbing her body, fisting her and sucking her breast.
    She can’t control herself.
    She is relaxed and comfortable as her blood flows when he’s teasing her clitoris, building tension.

    The real truth is, she is in love with a man that she know will never leave her for his wife or his 15 year old step daughter that he is also sleeping with.

    Written by: Latoshia Fisher


    This book literally explains in detail the “evil eye” curse, a malicious gaze supernaturally causing harm to a victim.

    The Shadow of Events is a fascinating story, once you pick it up you won’t be able to put it down. It induce fear, terror, and horror in its readers.

    I wrote and self published a book on Amazon. It is my dream to be a #1 New York and International Best Seller. You inspire me to want to reach out to you for your help. I believe that you can help me earn some money, some knowledge and some motivation! I have a genuine interest in you. You inspire me and motivate me to want to do better, be better, and be successful. I want to build and establish a authentic relationship. We should anchor a legitimate business connection. I would like to ask if you will promote my book. It is my goal to sell 1 million copies. Will you help me sell 1 million copies.

    The Shadow of Events

    Horrible events take place as darkness over shadows the world as we know it. Joyce stood in intense fear as she watched her daughter being carried in the middle of the street by an unseen force. Candence, Joyce’s six year old daughter was hit by a young male driving a brown SUV. Taking a turn for what it is worth. But, will evil and darkness over power the light? In these turn of events, something terrible happens. Are you afraid? Are you afraid that the world is going to come to a sudden end and the seal opens with a earthquake, the sun darkening and becoming black as sackcloth of hair, the moon turning to blood, the sea turning into blood and loathsome sores coming upon everyone that have taken the mark of the beast.

    The Shadow of Events

    If you have time, I’m asking you to check this out. If you would consider purchasing my featured title in E-book or paperback form. The Shadow of Events. Please let me know what you think by leaving a review.


    The Shadow of Events

    This book literally explains in detail the “evil eye” curse, a malicious gaze supernaturally causing harm to a victim.

    The Shadow of Events is a fascinating story, once you pick it up you won’t be able to put it down. It induce fear, terror, and horror in its readers.

    Latoshia Fisher replied 2 years, 3 months ago 1 Member · 0 Replies
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