
First Name


Last Name




Personal Info

Preferred Pronouns

He / Him


Welcome to the insanity!

I am an author of over 15 published books, dozens of short stories, and many hundreds of articles (most ghost-written for other websites).

I’m also a digital artist, working mostly as a painter trying to emulate traditional painting methods, but also fluent with Photoshop and all the bells and whistles it has to offer.

I’ve been a radio show host with a listenership of over 9 million at once, a podcaster, a streamer on both Twitch and YouTube, a musician, and the father of 3 weird little children who are all now not so little.

And, strangest of all? I’ve done it all while being a blind guy. Yep! ‘Tis truth, alas.

Come on in to my little pit stop on the information superhighway. Drinks are on the left, snacks on the right, and don’t forget to tip the waitstaff. They’ve been on their feet all day.