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Personal Info

Preferred Pronouns

He / Him


Hello there, you wonderful soul. I’m Terence and here are some facts about me:

I am 27 years old Malaysian residing in Kuala Lumpur.

Although I can speak Malay and Cantonese, I breathe in English.

I am a blogger, photographer and investor. I once worked as a HR trainee and a Talent Acquisition associate.

Several words that I believe describe my DNA:

Introverted | Curious | Self-Conscious | Adventurous | Creative

I am a self-proclaimed bookworm.

I love to read non-fiction books that focus on various subjects, ranging from self-help, to ethics philosophy, to anthropology, to personal finance, to psychology.

I did not start my writing career on this platform at all.

Like most discoveries that end up changing your life, my passion to write surfaced gradually. Beginning at the age of 18, I journaled about my experiences and thoughts. However, when I realised at the age of 25 that desk jobs are not my thing, I decided to turn my writing hobby into a real profession.

My goals on Simily? To help people pursue a life of authentic living, one article at a time.

Want to stay connected?

You can follow me on Medium. All of my articles are published there first. I am looking forward to interacting with you on the platform.

Would you like to see my photography portfolio? Come on over here!

Are you on Twitter? Let’s tweet!

Are you on LinkedIn? Let’s connect there. This is my LinkedIn profile.

Are you feeling generous and would like to support my work?

If you are not a Medium member yet, you can sign up for either a monthly/yearly Medium membership through my referral link.

Alternatively, you can buy me a coffee 😉.