• Rescuer

    March 17, 2022

     As she lay there among the Massive piles of the dead, just coming conscience of the dead eyes looking back at her. ” Don’t scream,…

    Embracing Shadows

    September 22, 2021

    Embraceing shadows Everyone is the hero of their own story. No one sets out to hurt anybody. How can  life we go so wrong. We all deny…

    Long night

    September 16, 2021

    Two souls Colliding in the dark of night. only knowing the other but by their blinding light. The Souls dancing To their song. Never really…

    Guarded Souls

    September 16, 2021

    Melissa stretched and yawned she was halfway done and 12-hour night shift, 5 more hours to go she thought, Night shift tag on relatively well…

    Moth to a flame

    September 16, 2021

      Thought it was really over so many times before. But it wasnt ever really over, We always came back for more. after so many…

    To prowl and protect

    September 16, 2021

     Clack clack her heels hit the sidewalk as she walks down the dark Street, the sounds slight shifts before feels the eyes drilling into her…

    Dragon of old

    September 16, 2021

    society is lulled asleep Everything has been so easy  the dagon doesnt have  To wait long to devour  us in our sleep Now dragon rumbles…